
The Art Of Closing The Sale Pdf Free Download


2016 • 210 Pages • 4.88 MB • English

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The Art Of Closing The Sale By Brian Tracy 1. The Art Of Closing The Sale By Brian Tracy 2. A SUPERSTAR SALESPERSON 3. SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL 4. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CLOSING 5. HOW TO HANDLE ANY OBJECTION 6. WINNING CLOSING TECHNIQUES I 7. PUT OFF PRICE UNTILLATER 8. CHOOSE YOUR TIMING 9. COMPARE APPLES TO APPLES 10. WINNING CLOSING TECHNIQUES II 11. FLYING HIGH 12. BE REFERABLE 13. DOUBLE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY. 14. DOUBLE YOUR INCOME 15. CONCLUSION 16. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The Art Of Closing The Sale By Brian Tracy This book was produced in EPUB format by the Internet Archive. The book pages were scanned and converted to EPUB format automatically. This process relies on optical character recognition, and is somewhat susceptible to errors. The book may not offer the correct reading sequence, and there may be weird characters, non- words, and incorrect guesses at structure. Some page numbers and headers or footers may remain from the scanned page. The process which identifies images might have found stray marks on the page which are not actually images from the book. The hidden page numbering which may be available to your ereader corresponds to the numbered pages in the print edition, but is not an exact match; page numbers will increment at the same rate as the corresponding print edition, but we may have started numbering before the print book's visible page numbers. The Internet Archive is working to improve the scanning process and resulting books, but in the meantime, we hope that this book will be useful to you. The Internet Archive was founded in 1996 to build an Internet library and to promote universal access to all knowledge. The Archive's purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. The Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages, and provides specialized services for information access for the blind and other persons with disabilities. Created with abbyy2epub (v.1.7.0) BRIAN TRACY Author of the Sett-Selling THE PSYCHOLOGY OP SELLING The Key to Making More Money Faster in the World of Professional Selling The Art of Closing the Sale The Key to Making More Money Faster in the World of Professional Selling Brian Tracy III Thomas Nelson *(•#« 17 M To my friend and business partner, Victor Risling, the best salesman and greatest closer I've ever seen. © 2007 by Brian Tracy All rights reserved. No portion of this bookmay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tracy, Brian. The art of closing the sale : the key to making more money faster in the world of professional selling / Brian Tracy, p. cm. ISBN: 978-0-7852-1429-8 (hardcover) ISBN: 978-0-7852-8913-5 (IE) 1. Selling. I. Title. HF5438.25.T7117 2007 658.85—dc22 2006034507 Printed in the United States of America 09 10 11 12 13 QW 98 7654 CONTENTS Introduction : Breaking the Success Barrier in Sales 1. Developing a Powerful Sales Personality 2. The Psychology of Closing; 3. How to Handle Any Objection 4. Winning Closing Techniques 1 5. Winning Closing Techniques II 6. Double Your Productivity. Double Your Income Conclusion About the Author INTRODUCTION BREAKING THE SUCCESS BARRIER IN SALES WHEN I BEGAN SELLING, COLD-CALLING FROM OFFICE to office during the day, and from house to apartment during the evening, I was terrified of closing. Every day, I would sally forth to sell, unafraid to get face-to-face with prospects and enthusiastically deliver my sales information. Then, at the end, I would choke up and ask hesitatingly, "What do you want to do now?' Invariably, the prospect would say, "Well, leave it with me and let me thinkabout it." I learned later that the words, "Let me think it over" or "Let me thinkabout it" are polite customer-speak for "Goodbye forever; we'll never meet again." I convinced myself that people all over town were "thinking it over" and that my phone would soon fall off the hookwith eager buyers. But no one ever called. I finally realized that it was not the product, the price, the market, or the competition that was holding me back from making sales. It was me. More specifically, it was my fear of asking a closing question. One day, I decided that I had had enough of frustration and failure. My very next call, when the prospect said, "Let me thinkabout it; why don't you call me back," I said something that changed my life. I replied, my heart in my throat, "I'm sorry, I don't make callbacks." "Excuse me," he said, a bit surprised. "You don't make callbacks?' "No," I said. "You know everything you need to know to make a decision right now. Why don't you just take it?' now. Why don't you just take it?' He looked at me, then down at my brochure, and then looted up and said, "Well, if you don't mate callbacks, I might as well take it." He got out his checkbook, signed the order, paid me, and thanked me for coming. I waited out with the order in a mild state of shock I had just experienced a major breakthrough. I went next door, made my presentation to the decision-maker, and used the same words when he asked for time to think it over: "I don't mate callbacks." He said, "All right, then I'll take it now." After my third sale in less than forty-five minutes, compared with my normal rate of three sales per week, I was walking on air! Within one month, I had broken every sales record for my company, been promoted to sales manager, and increased my income twenty times. I had thirty-two salespeople under me, all of whom I trained to askfor the order at the first meeting. Business boomed! Over the years I have learned that knowledge of the key closing skills is essential to your making the kind of money you are truly capable of. I have studied, practiced, and used countless sales-closing techniques, all included in this book, and trained more than 1,000,000 salespeople to be sales stars. The biggest single obstacle to great success in selling is your ability to get a prospect to take action. The purpose of this book is to show you how to remove this obstacle so that you can mate all the sales and all the money you want. All top salespeople are good at closing. They know how to prospect professionally, identify needs, build trust, answer objections, and ask for the order in several different ways. They understand why prospects hesitate and delay, and they know how to structure their offerings to overcome these obstacles. As a result, they join the top 20 percent of salespeople who mate all the money. When I started out in selling, I got no training at all. I was given some brochures to read and told to "go out and talk to people." I was nervous about cold-calling to read and told to "go out and talk to people." I was nervous about cold-calling and afraid of rejection, of which I got a lot. I trudged from office to office and from door to door, barely making enough to get by. The Great Question Then one day, I began asking, "Why is it that some salespeople are more successful than others?' This question changed my life. From that day forward, I asked other salespeople for advice, especially on how to answer objections and close sales. I read every book I could find and practiced the best answers they contained. I listened to audio programs of top salespeople explaining their techniques. I attended sales seminars and sat up front. Most of all, I took action on everything I learned. If it sounded good, I would go out immediately and try it on real, live prospects. I discovered later that this is the only way to learn, when there is a real possibility of succeeding or failing. Above all, I learned how to ask for the order and to close the sale. I practiced every closing technique I found several times with hesitant prospects. Eventually I reached the point where I was completely unafraid to ask the prospect to mate a buying decision. This skill quickly took me from rags to riches, from new salesperson to the top of every sales organization I ever worked for. The Great Breakthrough I later learned a remarkable thing: if you are completely fluent in closing and absolutely confident in your ability to ask for the order at the end of your sales presentation, you will be more aggressive about prospecting in the first place. You will have higher self-esteem and a better self-image. You will be more active each sales day, and you will even use your time better. Because you know that you can close the sale, you will feel like a winner most of the time. This self-confidence will positively affect your prospects, making them even more likely to buy from you. Your whole sales career will move onto an upward spiral of increasing success. The best news is that all sales skills, including closing, are learned and learnable. If you can drive a car, you can learn how to close the sale. The best news is that all sales skills, including closing, are learned and learnable. If you can drive a car, you can learn how to close the sale. The only reason that you may be nervous about closing today is because you have not yet mastered the process. But once you learn to close, using these time-tested methods, you can use them over and over. As you do, you will get better and better. In no time at all, you will be one of the most successful and highest-paid people in your field, and your future will be unlimited. DEVELOPING A POWERFUL SALES PERSONALITY To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only real end of life. —Robert Louis Stevenson BECOMING EXCELLENT IN CLOSING SALES IS AN INSIDE job. It begins within you. In sales, your personality is more important than your product knowledge. It is more important than your sales skills. It is more important than the product or service that you are selling. In fact, your personality determines fully 80 percent of your sales success. This is easily proven by the fact that there are salespeople who can still achieve high sales volumes even with a highly competitive, expensive product in a depressed market. At the same time, there are people with exclusive products in buoyant markets who are selling poorly. Becoming Mentally Fit Mental fitness is very similar to physical fitness in several ways. Physical fitness requires proper diet and exercise. Mental fitness requires a proper mental diet and regular practice. Become more mentally fit, and your happiness and sales volume will rise accordingly. Top salespeople have high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. Self- confidence is the natural growth of liking and respecting yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the more confidence you will have in prospecting, presenting, and closing sales. Like and care about yourself, and you will genuinely like others and be more successful with them. Without self-confidence, it is almost impossible to be successful in selling. If you lack confidence, you will come up with every excuse to avoid talking to prospects or taking any action where there is a possibility for failure or rejection. Remember, the more you life yourself, the more you like others. You life other people; they will have confidence in you. The more confidence they have in you, the more likely that they will buy what you are selling. We always feel better accepting the recommendation of someone whom we feel likes us than someone we are not sure about. We prefer to buy from people whom we feel care about us. Like and care about yourself, and you will genuinely like others and be more successful with them. Tate Charge of Your Life Sometimes I ask my sales audiences, "How many people here are self- employed?' About 10 or 15 percent of the audience raises their hands. Then I ask again, "How many people are really self-employed?' One by one the audience realizes what I am getting at. One at a time they raise their hands. They suddenly realize that they are all self-employed. The biggest mistake you can mate is to ever think that you work for anyone but yourself. From the time you take your first job until the day you retire, you are self-employed. You are the president of your own entrepreneurial corporation, selling your services into the marketplace at the highest price possible. You have only one employee—yourself. Your job is to sell the highest quality and quantity of your services throughout your working life. Top salespeople accept 100 percent responsibility for themselves and everything Top salespeople accept 100 percent responsibility for themselves and everything they do. They take full responsibility for their activities and for their results. They refuse to mate excuses or blame others. They say no to criticizing and complaining. Top salespeople say, "If it's to be, it's up to me!" View Yourself as Self-Employed In a study done in New York some years ago, researchers found that the top 3 percent of people in every field looted upon themselves as self-employed. They treated the company as if it belonged to them personally. They saw themselves as being in charge of every aspect of their lives. They took everything that happened to their company personally, exactly as if they owned 100 percent of the stock The biggest mistake you can make is to ever think that you work for anyone but yourself. From the time you take your first job until the day you retire, you are self-employed. The sales manager of a Fortune 500 company once told me an interesting story. He said that he was with his top salesman, negotiating the final terms and conditions of a $200 million contract with a major client. During a break the client pulled him aside and asked, referring to the salesman, "That man owns your company, doesn't he?' The sales manager, knowing the salesman, was a bit surprised. He said, "What makes you say that?' "Well," the client said, "in all my meetings with him, he constantly refers to the company as 'my company'and 'my people,''my contract'and so on. He sounds like he actually owns the whole company. Is that true?' My friend, the sales manager, smiled and said, "Yes, in a way he does." You Are the Boss As the president of your own personal services corporation, you are 100 percent in charge of everything that happens to your business. You are in command of training and development, and of continually upgrading your skills. You are in control of sales and marketing, production and quality control, and personal organization and efficiency. You are the boss. It is absolutely amazing how many people see themselves passively rather than actively. Instead of taking charge of their lives and changing things they don't like, they wait passively for the company to come along and do it for them. The great majority of adults do not invest in their own personal and professional development. They do not read, listen to audio programs, or attend courses. They expect the company to do this for them, not only to pay for it, but also to give them the time off to upgrade their skills so they can earn more money. Go figure. Be Aggressive About Learning Take all the training you can get. Use every job you have as an opportunity to learn more skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Be aggressive about upgrading your knowledge. If your company offers any training opportunities, accept them immediately. Don't delay. Every new skill you learn is an investment in your own future. Everything you have in your life today is a result of your own choices up to now. Your current situation is a result of both your actions and your inactions in the past. The amount you earn today is due to both what you have done and what you have failed to do. Sometimes the things you fail to do, like completing your education or improving your skills once you start work, have a greater impact on

The Art Of Closing The Sale Pdf Free Download

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