
Can I Color Dye My Hair While Greasy Dirty

Often before going to the hairdresser, we dwell on whether we should wash our hair the previous day or just let it be and go with greasy hair.

We don't want our hairdresser to think that we go around with dirty hair, but we have scheduled hair coloring, and the question is – can you dye your hair when it's greasy?

If you want to be sure whether you should wash your hair or not before the scheduled appointment, keep reading this article, and we will clarify everything that you have been asking yourself for a long time.

Is Greasy Actually Good?

Is Greasy Actually Good

Let's say that you have a hair coloring appointment on Friday and you haven't washed your hair since Tuesday – it must not look good, right? So, now you are thinking if you should wash it on Thursday evening and then do it all over again the next day.

Don't bother.

Greasy hair will not affect your hair coloring appointment – you are safe.

Plus, some hairdressers recommend not washing your hair 24h before dyeing it. This is a natural state of your hair, and your hair will likely absorb dye better with greasy rather than completely dry or wet hair.

On the other hand, what if you have extremely oily hair?

Your oily locks will be a little harder to dye. But don't worry, if you have a problem like this – it would be best for you to wash and condition your hair the day before.

You might ask yourself how dirty my hair actually should be?

For the dye to work perfectly, you should refrain from washing your hair 24-48h before you visit the hair salon. In this way, the grease on it will protect your scalp from all the harsh chemicals that will be involved in the dyeing process.

Be Safe When You Walk Out

You have spent at least two hours in the warm hair salon getting your hair done, but now it's finally time to go home.

It's freezing outside, and no matter if you came by car or on foot – you should protect your hair from the outside factors. It has just been washed and dried.

If you don't want to catch a cold or, even worse, a virus, you should always bring a hat with you – if you don't have one, make sure that the jacket you are wearing has a hood. Next, avoid picking up groceries right now and spending too much time outside.

Go straight home and warm up again!

Also, you can help your hair by starting an oil treatment or wearing a hair mask. This will undoubtedly keep your hair healthy during the cold winter days.

Avoid washing it too often during the week if you are not going anywhere special – you will preserve the dye. If you have to wash it, make sure that it's completely dried before you head out the door.

Safety first!

Naturally Greasy Hair

Naturally Greasy Hair

Having naturally greasy hair is one of the most common problems women have to deal with. But lucky for you, there are tons of solutions you can help your greasy hair without engaging in some extreme hair treatments.

Here is a list of solutions for you:

  • Shampoo properly – if you wash your hair incorrectly and fail, so apply or wash out all of the shampoos, it will most likely look greasy right after you have dried it.
  • Condition carefully – conditioner absorbs very fast, so when you are applying it – do it correctly.
  • Stay natural – curling irons and straighteners can negatively affect you if you use them too often and make it greasy.
  • Choose products for oily hair – if you have greasy hair, you don't have the freedom to choose whatever products you like – search for ones made for oily hair.
  • Deep clean with aloe – aloe is one of the best natural products for your hair there is – it will make your hair shiny and healthy.
  • Avoid products with silicone – one thing is certain, and that is you should stay clear of hair products, which include silicone – they prevent the necessary moisture.
  • Rinse properly – it is really important to rinse your hair properly – you don't want any products left on your hair because they will make it look dirty and feel itchy.
  • Don't tie it up if you don't have to – our advice is that you shouldn't tie up your hair in a pony-tail or pick it up in a bun if you don't have to. Pulling it back always will make the hair oil's spread more quickly and add to the grease.

One thing we all do, and it has become more of a habit, is always twirl and touch our hair. Believe it or not, this is your hair's greatest enemy.

By touching it constantly, you actually help the oils spread more quickly, which is why your hair needs washing every two days.

Break this bad habit, and you will certainly see good results after a while.

What Is Your Type?

What Is Your Type

As you know, there are three known types of hair: normal, greasy, and oily. So, when we go shopping, we choose our hair products accordingly.

Suppose you have normal hair – well, lucky you! You have no trouble finding the products you use. However, if you have greasy or dry hair – this might pose a problem.

If you are not sure what your hair type is and how to cure it, we are here to clear this up:

Normal Hair

How It Looks How To Treat It
It looks healthy at first glance. Continue with a healthy eating pattern.
No hair loss is visible. Use only natural products.
There is minimal or no dandruff. Condition your hair frequently.

Dry Hair

How It Looks How To Treat It
It looks dry and frizzy at first glance. Try hot oil massage.
It has a  lot of split ends. Deep condition your hair frequently.
There is a lot of hair breakage. Refrain from curling and straightening it.

Greasy Hair

How It Looks How To Treat It
Looks lifeless and dull at first glance. Avoid touching it for no reason.
Looks greasy after 2 days of not washing it. Shampoo and condition it carefully.
Hair falls when you brush it. Buy products for oily hair.

All in all,

  • If your hair has a lot of oil blot – it's normal and healthy.
  • If your hair tissue shows nothing – it's dry.
  • If your hairs stick to each other – it's greasy.

The important thing to mention is that you should have a serious conversation with your hairdresser and explain the state your hair is currently in.

He is a professional and knows best. Listen to his advice and opt for products he thinks are best and not the ones you prefer.

Can You Dye Your Hair When It's Greasy – Conclusion

You have a hair coloring appointment soon, and your hair seems a little greasy, but will this pose a problem to the hairdresser and color? Greasy hair will not affect your hair coloring appointment – you are safe.

For the dye to work perfectly, you should refrain from washing your hair 24-48h before you visit the hair salon. In this way, the grease on it will protect your scalp from all the harsh chemicals that will be involved in the dyeing process.

Avoid washing it too often during the week if you are not going anywhere special – you will preserve the dye. If you have to wash it, make sure that it's completely dried before you head out the door.

If you have naturally greasy hair, there are a couple of solutions for you: If you wash your hair incorrectly and fail to apply or wash out all of the shampoos, it will most likely look greasy right after you have dried it.  Aloe is one of the best natural products for your hair there is – it will make your hair shiny and healthy.

One thing we all do, and it has become more of a habit, is constantly twirl and touch our hair. Believe it or not, this is your hair's greatest enemy.

If you don't want to catch a cold or, even worse, a virus, you should always bring a hat with you – if you don't have one, make sure that the jacket you are wearing has a hood.

There are three main types of hair: greasy, normal, and dry. This is how you can spot it: if your hair has a lot of oil blot – it's normal and healthy if your hair tissue shows nothing – it's dry, and if your hairs stick to each other – it's greasy.

Can I Color Dye My Hair While Greasy Dirty


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